
 Introduce the theoretical study of films


1. Familiarize students with the emerging area of film studies and make them equipped to decipher the meaning of a movie.

 2. Enable the students to understand the medium of cinema with an ample knowledge of the basic terminologies

 3. Help them trace the evolution of the different movements in the film history


Trace the growth and development of Indian English Writing


1. Familiarize the students with the genesis of Indian Writing in English.

2. Acquaint them with the major movements in Indian Writing in English and their historical connections.

 3. Introduce them to the stalwarts of Indian Literature in English through the study of selected literary texts


Introduce and problematize gender constructs.


1. Explore the historical variables that have contributed towards the social norms of gender and sexuality

2. Understand the significance of making gender an integral concept of social analysis

 3. Develop a conceptual understanding of the field of gender studies